Readers Write: Letter missed mark on Trump’s mental health

The Island Now

The only person who is irrational in his statements is Hal Sobel in his letter of May 3, Port Washington Times, not President Trump. I’m a Democrat and  a retired psychiatrist, but Sobel is wrong when he says Trump “is mentally unstable.” Sobel states, “His narcissism is exemplified by his words…” I don’t know what words Sobel is talking about, but anyone who wants to run for president has to be somewhat narcissistic, i.e. Clinton , Obama, Reagan, etc.

Sobel also says, “Trump’s xenophobia is borne out by his anti-Moslem statements.” Trump wanted to keep out terrorists (most of whom had been Muslim) from the United States. He banned entrance to the U.S. citizens of several Arab countries, not specifying what religion these people were. The countries that he banned U.S. entrance to had the most cases of terrorism. This is not xenophobia.

Sobel contends Trump’s “misogyny is proven by hush money paid to a porn star.” This statement is also irrational. How is paying a woman, who is threatening to go to the press, hundreds of thousands of dollars misogyny?? It’s not.

Sobel then irrationally states Trump is mentally unstable because of his penchant of giving nicknames to his enemies: “low energy,” “Pochahontas.” These nicknames could be called childish, but not irrational. Each nickname has some rational truth to it.

Then Sobel cites a letter that “37 mental health experts” signed warning of Trump’s “grave emotional stability.” Sobel fails to mention that these experts were all Democrats. I’m sure you could find 37 Republican mental health experts who say Trump is not unstable.

Marshall Hubsher 

Port Washington

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