The League of Women Voters of Port Washington–Manhasset is disappointed that the Dec. 1 PW Water District Commissioner Candidates Forum had to be canceled.
Based on League policy, a candidate event cannot be held if only one candidate for the race attends as that could indicate support by the League for that one candidate. The League believes that these events provide the public with an opportunity to “interview” the candidates for the job.
In this case, Mr. Brandon Kurz canceled his appearance stating that he felt the league was not nonpartisan. The league, at all levels, is strictly nonpartisan and we strongly value and protect that stance.
While the League is nonpartisan, that does not mean that our members are nonpartisan or apolitical. The league encourages members to be political and join in the political process. They cannot, however, do that in the name of the League or represent the league.
The Nov. 17 event referenced by Mr. Kurz was organized by three individuals, not the league, and the league had no involvement in the organization or implementation of the event.
The league is frustrated that Mr. Kurz was unwilling to participate in the recent event. The league never supports or opposes any candidates or political parties.
Regina Goutevenier, President
LWV of Port Washington- Manhasset