Readers Write: Labriola opposes needed reform

The Island Now

With Nassau County’s staggering annual deficit, it’s abundantly clear strong independent oversight and accountability is vital to turning around a budget that’s been bloated with patronage and bled through mismanagement to near bankruptcy.

But it’s sad to say it’s no surprise that the indicted executive’s so-called chief of compliance is opposed to responsible oversight taking steps to root out corruption in Nassau.

When Steve Labriola referred to the Nassau Interim Finance Authority as “big brother” and said it had “served its purpose,” he was speaking on behalf of a corrupted political machine that created this mess in Nassau County.

As chief of compliance, he has stood idly by while Nassau County government drowns in scandal and indictments, prioritizing patronage over the people’s needs.

Unfortunately, Labriola is one of many career politicians in Nassau who think we don’t need oversight.

It’s no wonder, as he has ignored the District Attorney’s blistering report which calls for his political patronage job to be replaced by an independent inspector general, who would be better suited to root out corruption, curb inefficiency and drive reform.

What’s more, why would a politician run to be the independent oversight of the county when opposed to the concept of independent oversight?

I am running because I have turned around the finances in Long Beach and before that Brookhaven and rooted out Republican corruption, and now we need to do the same in Nassau County.

It’s time to empower our residents to demand reform and that’s why we’re calling upon all Nassau taxpayers — if you see something, say something.

If you see fraud, abuse, a waste of taxpayer dollars or just plain inefficiency, let us know at

Nassau County needs transparency, it needs real oversight and accountability. If we come together, we can achieve the reform we need to clean up the mess.


Jack Schnirman

City Manager,
City of Long Beach

Democrat candidate for County Comptroller

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