Readers Write: Great Neck Plaza Election

The Island Now

Please vote on March 18th for Ted Rosen, Pam Marksheid and Michael Deluccia.

I have lived in Great Neck for almost all my life and in the Plaza for over 30 years. I have volunteered my time and effort to support different committees of the Village including the Historic Preservation and currently I am on the Zoning Board of Appeals. Therefore, I have first-hand knowledge of the dedication and hard work that both Ted Rosen and Pamela Marksheid put into making the Plaza a great place to live and work. I also worked with Michael Deluccia as a member of the Zoning Board of Appeals and know first hand how dedicated he is to the Plaza.

There are many responsibilities that go into being an elected official, many of which are not easily known by the public. There are countless meetings including those between the other officials on the Peninsula as well as attending Nassau County Officials meetings. For years, I have attended the Board of Trustee meetings. I find the openness at these meetings as well as the attention the Trustees and Mayor have towards to public is outstanding.  Residents are never disrespected nor belittled. Their comments are taken seriously and respectfully. The experience that these candidates bring to Great Neck Plaza is important for it to continue to thrive as they present their new ideas and leadership. Vote for Rosen, Marksheid, and Deluccia.

Eileen S. Falk
Great Neck Plaza

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