Readers Write: Glickman enters GN school board race

The Island Now

Following 15 years of service to the Great Neck community and 20 years of experience as a nonprofit executive, I am running for a seat on the school board because I want to help in the present challenging moment. I am committed to bringing a student-first perspective to our district’s leadership and endeavoring to provide every student with the resources and experiences necessary to succeed in both school and life.

I believe the Great Neck School District has become rudderless after decades of complacent re-election of career politicians. The school board’s recent decision-making has been less than transparent and its ability to communicate with parents is inconsistent and ineffective.

What we need instead is a representative body that is driven by purpose and inclusive of those whose children are currently being educated in our schools. We need a school board that doesn’t just talk about technology but is prepared to invest in the tools needed to properly power our children’s education. We need a school board committed to creating future-ready curricula and facilities to support student-centered learning. We need a school board prepared to invest in high-quality professional development to support our teachers’ ability to meet the demands of this and future generations of students.

We need a school board that is committed to implementing a full reopening of our schools.

Once elected I will continue to ask tough questions and work tirelessly to ensure that critical decisions are made in public view, with input from the community and clarity about where I stand on the issues. This moment demands that we come together to do better for our children and make smarter investments in our school system—from recruiting outstanding personnel to envisioning what the future of public education in Great Neck should look like.

As a 16-year resident of Great Neck, I serve as chair of the executive committee and past president of the Board of Directors of the Gold Coast Arts Center and Gold Coast International Film Festival. I served on the Citizens Advisory Committee for Great Neck School District’s Board of Education and I am a member of the United Parent-Teacher Council Budget Committee. Together with my wife Sumi (a former finance executive), we have three children in Great Neck Public Schools – North Middle School and Saddle Rock Elementary School – and are proud Great Neck Soccer parents.

Great Neck School District needs a new generation of leadership and we need to stop politicizing our children’s education.

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Michael S. Glickman

Great Neck

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