Readers Write: G.N. threatened by demographics

The Island Now

There has been a new trend in the demographics of Great Neck for about a decade.

The outstanding reputation of Great Neck Public Schools attracts large numbers of outsiders who move to Great Neck temporarily to take advantage of the school system.

After their children graduate, they are no longer willing to pay the exorbitant school taxes.

Many of these families move out of the area to other communities where taxes are significantly lower than in Great Neck.

These temporary dwellers are replaced with new temporary residents and the cycle continues.

Although it is unquestionably legal, this arrangement is unfair to the genuinely permanent residents of Great Neck, some of whom have been living in Great Neck for generations.

The long-term segment of the community are being burdened by the ever increasing school taxes.

According to a local realtor, the consequences of this trend have become apparent in the drop of house values in Kings Point, the area where the school taxes are the highest.

More than ever before, the residents of Kings Points now risk declining property values in part as a result of increasing tax rates.

However, the recent vote rejecting the school bond referendum brings some hope for holding the line on taxes and maintaining property values in the area.

Rhonda Jackson

Great Neck

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