New York state Assemblyman David Weprin from Queens believes a birth certificate is a legal document which is important to one’s identity. Well, I agree. Adoptees in New York state are forbidden access to the original document unless they have a court order. I believe the passage of a bill sponsored by Weprin know as A.5494, the Clean Bill of Adoptee Rights, clears the way for adoptees to know who their biological parents were and are.
I think this is important for the adoptees and their biological parents who seek to meet. I am one of those biological parents who want to meet my children. In 1975, while still in the Navy, my children were adopted after my wife had left us and I had no means to support them and had no family or friends who could help me. I’m going to be 70 years old this year and would like to make contact before I pass away.
I would like to tell my sons, named Tommy and Bobby who will be 50 and 49 years old, that I still love them and think of them and would like to tell them it was not their fault they were adopted and tell them of our family history. And, to Assemblyman Weprin, I would like to thank you for your efforts.
Frederick R. Bedell Jr.