Readers Write: Democrats benefit from illegal votes

The Island Now

In a letter to this newspaper last week, Eric Cashdan from Port Washington, like other aggrieved leftists, showed that he is still unable to cope with the reality that Donald J. Trump won the presidential election of November 2016 fair and square.

He continues to insist that Hillary won the popular vote and therefore should be president.

Other letter writers and in fact GN News columnists also continue to pound this ahistorical and pathetic drumbeat to death.

This is a species who reviles facts, but facts are stubborn things. Here are a few:

In October of 2015, Gov. Jerry Brown of California, signed the motor-voter act into law. A report that month from Investors’ Business Daily said that, “According to the American Civil Liberties Union — which opposed the motor-voter law — California houses 3.3 million illegals, or a quarter of the nation’s total. So the stage is set not just for extending voting to illegals but for swinging national elections, too.”

Mmmm…3.3 million. Is that a familiar number? It should be because it is almost the exact number used to “prove” that Hillary won the popular vote –– the hell with the U.S. Constitution and the time-honored Electoral College, the latter of which guarantees that the more populous states do not have an advantage over the less populous.

A study by the Pew Center claiming that over 800,000 non-citizens voted for Hillary Clinton failed to take into account dead and fraudulent voters which totaled over 25 million “registered voters.”

Illegal aliens combined with dead voters and “multiple state” voters again explains Hillary’s so-called popular vote.

In May, President Trump announced an initiative to investigate voter fraud.

He appointed Hans von Spakovsky, a G.W. Bush appointee, to head the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity.

In 2005, von Spakovsky led the Justice Department’s approval of a Georgia law requiring voters to produce photo ID, which was rejected!

Think about that.

You need a photo identification card to get a driver’s license, donate your blood, buy alcohol or cigarettes, open a bank account, apply for welfare benefits or food stamps or Medicaid or Social Security or unemployment or a mortgage or a hunting and fishing license, get on an airplane, rent a car, get a prescription, buy a cell phone, visit a casino and get married! And that is the short list!

But the initiative was rejected because Democrats consistently object to any requirement that would prevent illegals and dead people and cartoon characters from voting and potentially swinging an election in their favor.

Remember in 2008, when comedian Al Franken magically “found” bags full of votes and won the Minnesota Senate race by a mere 312 votes?

Democrats specialize in voter fraud and if you doubt that look up ACORN on any search engine.

In fact, they elevated this fraud to an art form until they were busted (and simply changed their name), but the 2016 Trump juggernaut was too powerful for all of their efforts.

In short, Hillary’s “popular vote”–– by all objective measures –– came from the rampant Democrat voter fraud in California and New York.

To the Cashdan’s of the world, I say, Get over it!

Joan Swirsky

Great Neck

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