Readers Write: Cuomo acts like emperor

The Island Now

You will cut down those trees in that part of that remaining pristine forest and that’s an order! 

So says by word and action does Gov. Cuomo.

Hey! What has happened to democracy? 

I am up to my fifth step of describing government. 

Our elected officials, [state Sen. Jack] Martins and [state Assemblywoman] Schimel, bending the courts to get their way in an area where they don’t reside.

Our Emperor Cuomo now stands naked as all those who clothed him all around are falling and he says he knows nothing. 

As I remember both he and Sen. Martins received a $200,000 apiece donation from a New York business conglomerate whose housing leaves much to be desired. 

And also there are the two who were convicted not long ago.

[State Comptroller] Tom DiNapoli, however, stands out like an honorable shining knight. 

To the sixth step of government. 

This Monday is the first presidential debate. 

Will the defrauding of Sen. Bernie Sanders out of the nomination come up? 

Probably not. 

The candidates say much about themselves by having no guilt for wrongdoing. 

I keep bringing this up as it is something we should never forget. 

Back to the past: Andrew Cuomo as Secretary of HUD in cahoots with Bill Clinton were the kingpins in the subprime mortgage crisis and they got away with it. 

They all got away with it.  A lot of it.

Now Bill Clinton wants to be our First Ever ‘First Gentleman’? Sir!

And the candidate herself: “I don’t remember.” I was only ‘half there’ and that is only a small part of the story. 

Honor in our federal government these days is little and far apart. 

None of the six steps of government I have described are what they should be. 

Everyone surely has heard the expression “Seven Steps To Heaven.”

Perhaps there are also “Hex Steps To Hell.”

Charles Samek


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