Readers Write: Covid-19 shrinks critical blood supply

The Island Now

It was just reported that the New York area has only a two-day supply of blood, which I find very sad and troubling. Andrea Cefarelli, director of recruitment at the New York Blood Center, said: “I’ve never in my 27 years seen our blood supply this low.”

The blood donations are low due to the Covid-19 virus. This has happened as a result of the shutdown of schools, churches and workplaces. I know this firsthand because I’m a grand knight of St. Anastasia Knights of Columbus Council No. 5911 in Douglaston and am chairman of the blood drive that we run twice a year The blood drive we hold is at St. Anastasia’s Divine Wisdom school, which is now is closed due to the virus.

I therefore ask all of you who can to please donate blood. Donating blood is the gift of life and is an act of kindness. Blood donations can be given at New York Blood Center sites. You can call the NY Blood Center at 1-800-933-2566 or by visiting their web site

Let me also add that one pint of blood saves three lives. So please give — the life you save could be your own.

Frederick R. Bedell Jr.


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