Readers Write: Constitutional convention a threat to rights, protections

The Island Now

I urge voters to vote no on the constitutional convention. Many valued constitutional guarantees are at risk.

These include every New Yorkers right to a free public education, rights to join a union, engage in collective bargaining, and get Workers’ Compensation.

Also at risk are pension and retirement benefits for public employees. Wall Street billionaires, corporations, for profit school proponents and right wing politicians see this as an opportunity to roll back the rights and protections that we depend on.

With those interests in power at the federal level, state government protections are more critical than ever.

New York State has wonderful natural beauty in the Catskills and Adirondack Mountains which the present Constitution protects to remain in a forever wild state. With constant development in our cities, we need to maintain these areas to enjoy nature’s beauty.

It would be criminal to turn them over to commercial development. We need to continue to safeguard environmental protections for these areas.

The delegates to the convention are our lawmakers who collect double salaries as convention delegates and as legislators.

The League of Women Voters estimates that the cost to us as taxpayers could be $300 million. Once again I urge you to turn your ballot over to cast your no vote on having a constitutional convention. The risks are too great!


Judith Ludwig Levine

Great Neck

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