Readers Write: Clinton Martin pool revamp lacks transparency

The Island Now

read the L to the E that was published last week (sent by Karen Gulotta) and although your headline was a bit deceiving, as the author did not say that the survey was not valid but was simply concerned that so few residents bothered to reply to the Town of North Hempstead survey with regard to the proposed improvements at the Clinton G. Martin Pool complex.  

She is correct in stating that the poor response was not a mandate and submits statistics and ratios to bolster her point.  

The lack of community interest is simply acceptable in 2016. 

It is a world where so few read a newspaper or listen/watch the news. 

If it is not on Facebook or Instagram or Twitter then so many are uninformed. 

The school districts always get few voters to participate in the budget/elections and consequently whatever is proposed will always pass because only the interested will make the effort to vote.  

What is at issue here is the way that the proposed renovation was handled. 

When was the renovation committee selected?  How was the list of proposed committee members comprised?  From pool membership rolls? Or was it subjective and proposed by a community resident that doesn’t use the pool and simply submitted a select few names that would simply ratify and rubber stamp the town’s plans?  

How much effort was put into this? Was there any discussion at the committee meetings?  Were minutes maintained?  How often did the committee meet?  Did the committee make any effort to reach out (or visit) other communities with recent pool renovations such as Harbor Hills or Floral Park or East Hills? 

It is apparent that the process was not transparent and although it is costly to make renovations, the town should have involved actual members/families that utilize the pool even in an effort to make it appear that the community was consulted. 

Does the New Hyde Park Park District shoulder the expense of maintaining (payroll/utilities, etc…) the town meeting hall just outside the gates to the pool? 

The pool does not need to run at a profit or “break-even” as it is not a business but a community service.  It should be supported by tax dollars in the same way that tax dollars go to repair the roads and provide transportation to seniors or to collect trash.  

The survey was valid.  

Hopefully some professional skill and careful oversight will take this process from paper to opening day ceremonies.  See you next week at the meeting!!


Mitchell Friedman

New Hyde Park

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