In celebration of the upcoming Christmas season, the Port Washington Knights of Columbus Council No.1227, Columbiettes and the John Michael Marino Lodge No.1389 Order Sons of Italy in America join together to celebrate the Annual Lighting of the Nativity.
The event takes place on Tuesday, Dec. 6 at 7 p.m. at the fire medics building located at 423 Port Washington Blvd.
The lighting will include the blessing of the Nativity followed by singing of traditional Christmas carols.
The Knights of Columbus and Columbiettes are hosting refreshments and homemade soup at the council’s building at 155 Manorhaven Blvd..
Everyone in the community is welcome to attend.
This promises to be a wonderful start to the Christmas holiday season.
The event is sponsored by two outstanding Port Washington organizations.
Everyone is welcome so please join us as we celebrate the birth of Christ.
Anthony Carpinelli
Grand Knight
Rita DiLucia
Presisdent, Columbiettes
Marianne Bortone Prince
President, Sons of Italy Lodge