Readers Write: Bosworth to blame for lax oversight of Terry

The Island Now

Last week I wrote about the two lowest levels of government here on L.I. 

Next up is the Town of North Hempstead. 

When the opening appeared in the U.S. Senate, I praised Judi Bosworth for not vacating her official position as supervisor and run.

Then the Gerard Terry episode began to unfold. 

What I then realized is how lax the enforcement was of what was required.

I will leave it at that except to say that the duty to see everything done correctly rests squarely on Judi Bosworth’s shoulders.

Next up: Nassau County. 

It was a great victory for the county when Madeline Singas was elected DA. It was quite a battle against the special interests for it to happen. 

The question then was what to do with Kate Murray. 

What I read was that she was dumped into a position in Nassau Community College for which she was unqualified that pays  $130,000 person year. 

Is it any wonder that NCC has a problem with being accredited? Just a junkyard for anyone who has to be put somewhere. 

A recent article (paid advertisement) by Adam Haber is about improving our economy by boosting tourism.

He mentions that part of the generated revenue could be used to clean up our ground water. 

It seems to me that the revenue should be used to fix up our sewage treatment system  before Ed Mangano sells it to cover his tracks. 

It would cost Nassau County much more over a long period of time than to get it done with an added tax specifically mandated for that purpose and over a shorter period of time. 

I here inject that Mr. Haber has to my knowledge been known for quite some time to be ‘level headed.’ 

I don’t believe he would ruin himself by wrongdoing. 

There is much more that can be said but one that stands out is not being devoted to the good of Nassau County. 

When our county legislature jacked up their salaries a huge amount it was like bald embezzlement in broad daylight. Were the people consulted?

The brunt of fixing the county has to be borne by everyone. 

Lastly, about approving contracts, Ed Mangano says oh, I have someone to do that. 2nd Graders would find that funny.

Two more government steps to go.

Charles Samek


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