Readers Write: Biden silent on plans to fix economy

The Island Now

I would like to respond to a reader’s letter in the Dec. 18 issued titled  “Biden’s impossible task as president.”  I think the writer clearly missed a few things.

First,  the writer quotes the genius of David Letterman saying that Obama “was handed a store that had been shuttered for eight years” to then further conclude that “now Mr. Biden is handed a store that has been trashed and the shelves stripped bare,” all due to Trump. What is quite amazing to me is he uses such an analogy to disparage Trump, yet completely ignores the reality that months of riots and looting by BLM and Antifa in fact did trash stores and strip the shelves bare literally. I guess the late-night talk shows missed that, too.

Then he goes on to predict that by March 1 the Murdoch press could possibly “lay any failure of the economy on Democratic policies.” I would ask if the writer actually lives in New York state or near New York City. We have a Democratic governor and mayor, both of whose disastrous policies have destroyed the economy of the state and the city, and killed thousands, or do we assume that’s all on Trump, too. Either way it is again completely ignored by the writer.

This writer then states that “Mr. Biden will inherit a broken economy and traumatized population, with the expectation of miracles to fix, etc…..”.  However, all I heard from Mr. Biden during his campaign was that “Trump has no plan for the economy and no plan for COVID” but vote for Mr. Biden because he has a plan to fix it.

Well, where is that plan, Mr. Biden? Why would one of your supporters write to a newspaper looking for miracles when Biden supposedly has a great plan? Makes no sense to me. Maybe it’s time for Mr. Biden and his supporters to explain his plan to fix the economy and address COVID, or are we supposed to just go with the Cuomo “kill all the elderly plan” or maybe the de Blasio “destroy all small businesses plan.” Perhaps it’s time to stop being so divisive and put forth reasonable solutions rather than calling for miracles and pointing to others.

The writer also makes a reference to Mitch McConnell doing “everything possible to sandbag the economy…” and “having no qualms of doing it again… all at the cost of the welfare of the American people.” On this point I agree and have no confidence that the virtually all-in Congress have but their own interests in mind and not that of the American people. However, the writer does not mention anything about the connections of the Biden family to the Chinese Communist Party. I would think if you find Mitch McConnell’s actions “at a cost to the American people,” then surely Joe Biden and his family’s connections to China should be even more concerning and at least worth the writer’s mention.

Thomas Dreyer

Floral Park


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