Readers Write: Bernie was wrong about Castro

The Island Now
Bernie Sanders, and Hal Sobel in his letter of 3/13/20, are very wrong in their praise of Fidel Castro.
Mr. Sobel states, “ I can remember when Castro came to New York and was welcomed as a hero.” I also remember both times Castro came to NYC.
The first time he came to NYC, the end of April 1959, Castro was cheered by many people. But, a year later, after he nationalized all American businesses, put over 600 political opponents and journalists in jail, and backed the Soviet Union in the Cold War, Castro was booed and threatened when he came back to Manhattan.
Amnesty International declared Castro the worst dictator in the world depriving his people of all human rights in the early ’60s.
Mr. Sobel states, “Castro’s efforts are considered one of the most significant social experiments of the 20th century.” This is another ridiculous statement.
Adolph Hitler’s efforts are also considered “one of the most significant social experiments of the 20th century” but both dictators’ efforts were horrible and deprived people of all human rights. Bernie Sanders and Mr. Sobel are irrationally wrong in their praise of Castro.

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