Readers Write: America lost a good man in John Lewis

The Island Now

Rep. John Lewis of Georgia, a civil rights icon has passed away at age 80 and that has brought much sadness to many.

Here was a brave lion who marched with Martin Luther King Jr. and suffer much for the cause of civil rights and was beaten and jailed for his beliefs. Rep. John Lewis went on to serve in Congress since 1986 for many decades.

He had fought for the rights of the many that had not achieved the American dream.

As a white man, I believe we are all brothers and sisters and should as such treat each other with respect and dignity. In the 1960s as a teenager for a short time I had marched for civil rights.

Rep. John Lewis was a man of character, honor and dignity who fought for the greater good of our countrymen and women.

In my opinion, he thought well, spoke well, and did well. There are those who would disagree in some things he did or did say but I believe others would agree he was the personification of this phrase: “Evil thrives when good people do nothing.”

America will surely mourn the loss of a good man.

Frederick R. Bedell Jr.


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