Reader’s Write: Age Discrimination

The Island Now
There is a new bias in America and is called, “Ageism.’ There was a most informative report in the AARP Bulletin in this month, that reported about age discrimination in America, in the workplace and in hiring by companies and corporations. This report stated that 35 percent of the U.S. population is now over 50 and older. Now to discriminate against older Americans I find most sad. You see older Americans have much to offer in the workplace. We are experienced, dedicated, and devoted to the companies we work for and need to be respected for our loyalty. A case in point, I have worked for a plumbing supply house in Mineola for over 40 years, and I am now 70 years old. Now five years ago I came down with aggressive prostate cancer and survived. I also had also three operations after that. I now work part-time for the same company. I am in remission five years later. Now how many companies would have done that? I guess they had realized my worth? According to the AARP, if a person is being discriminated against they are to contact AARP, which has promised to help. Power to all of us seniors who have made America great!
Frederick R. Bedell Jr.
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