Readers Write: Abramson-Brooks committed warrior for school board

The Island Now

The best candidate for the Port Washington School Board this year is clearly Deborah Abramson-Brooks.

At the recent League of Women Voters candidates’ debate, Brooks was the standout.  Her responses to a variety of questions displayed a command of the issues, a depth of expertise, and compassionate purpose.

She brings years of experience in local education reform movements: she’s a leader in local political organizing efforts, giving her an extensive network of connections; and as a seasoned attorney she has the wherewithal to deal with the minutiae that can make or break any effort to make a difference in our schools, including but not limited to her continuous fight to get Port Washington its fair share of funding.  Deborah is a committed warrior for our students.

You don’t have to agree with her on every issue, but you can’t help but recognize that she is far and above the best choice for our school board and our children.

Rebecca Hughes Parker

Port Washington

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