Readers Write: Return Gilliar as trustee to PW Board of Ed

The Island Now

Please join me in re-electing Rachel Gilliar to Port Washington Schools’ Board of Education. Over the past three years Port schools have benefitted from Rachel’s thorough, thoughtful leadership. She carefully considers the needs and concerns of all stakeholders while keeping her focus on the students and the quality education that Port schools are proud of.

Rachel’s attention to the diversity of our community of students, families and residents reflects her understanding of the uniqueness of Port Washington.  As chair of the curriculum committee, Rachel has encouraged continued growth and innovation while recognizing the varied needs represented in Port’s rich diversity.

I have personally seen Rachel prioritize the voices from the community, the needs of the taxpayers and the mission of our schools.  She researches the issues, seeks input and communicates her positions after thorough review.

Good schools are the bedrock of a community.  At this uncertain time, our district’s future would be well served by Rachel’s experience, careful leadership and continued dedication to our students.

A vote for Rachel is a vote for Port Washington.

Nanette Melkonian

Port Washington

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