PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE: Board of Appeals -Village of Thomaston



PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a public hearing will be held as to the following matter: Agency: Board of Appeals -Village of Thomaston Date: February 10, 2022 Time: 6:00 p.m. Place: Via Zoom Videoconference Subject: Application No. 21-08.† Application of Timothy Lewis and Lisa Wong, 4 Sheffield Road, Thomaston, New York, to construct a sunroom addition, which construction requires a variance of Village Code ß203-19(B), to permit a rear yard setback of 46.09 feet, where a minimum of 49.36 feet is required.† Premises are designated as Section 2, Block 7, Lot 132 on the Nassau County Land and Tax Map. The hearing will take place via Zoom videoconferencing.† The hearing will be recorded and a transcription will be provided at a later date. The public will have an opportunity to see and hear the hearing live. The Zoom login information is: †Meeting ID: 84524895420  Password: 198657 Or dial by your location:+1 646-558-8656US (New York) Any interested member of the public who would like to provide comments to the Board regarding this hearing may do so during the hearing, via Zoom, upon recognition by the Board.† Comments also can be provided via email up until 3:00pm on February 10, 2022, to Please check the meeting Agenda posted on the Village website at for further instructions to access the virtual meeting and for updated information. Plans and other materials associated with the proposed application may be reviewed and downloaded at, or may be obtained upon email request to †up to six hours prior to the hearing time. This application is a Type II Matter under the State Environmental Quality Review Act, which requires no environmental review.††Dated:†† January 21, 2022††BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF APPEALS

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