The Island Now

LEGAL NOTICE PUBLIC HEARING INC. VILLAGE OF EAST WILLISTON PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Board of Zoning Appeals of the Village of East Williston will hold a continuation of a public hearing at the Village Hall, 2 Prospect Street in said Village on October 22, 2020 at 7:30 p.m. to hear the application of Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Amico, 79 Bengeyfield Drive, East Williston, New York to request a variance from:Article V Residence B District (RB) 160-18 Dimensional Regulations. (e) Minimum front yard depth: average set back 32.0 feet. Requested 27.67 feet.Applicant seeks to construct a porch and expand the garage.The proceedings will be held both in person and remotely. If you would like to participate in the proceedings, you may join from your computer, tablet or smartphone. Instructions for doing so will be posted to the Village website at in advance of the meeting, The meetings will be recorded and later transcribed. PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that any interested party may appear personally and be heard. BY ORDER OF BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS INC. VILLAGE OF EAST WILLISTON

Michael Holland, ChairmanBoard of Zoning Appeals DATED: East Williston

New York October 2, 2020

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