Patients get high-tech smiles from NHP firm

Richard Tedesco

A recently purchased digital scanner that produces a 3D impression of a patient’s teeth and gums is bringing smiles to the faces of patients and staff at New Hyde Park Orthodontics, according to Dr. Jay Cho.

The orthodontics practice’s new iTero Scan machines uses an electronic “wand” with a digital camera to create a 3D impression of a patient’s teeth and gums – eliminating the need to take impressions with molding material that makes some patients gag.

“It’s faster in taking the impression and it’s easier for the patient. Basically we never have to take an impression ever,” Cho said “It also gives us a smile before and after.”

Cho bought the $26,000 machine – the second model iTero produced – for his practice at 1991 Marcus Avenue after seeing it demonstrated at the National Orthodontics Convention in May. 

He and his staff use it to develop the clear plastic Invisalign molds that have become an increasingly popular alternative to traditional braces.

Harleen Gill, clinical manager at New Hyde Park Orthodontics, said the technology gives a more accurate outline of a patient’s aural anatomy. Taking molds of patients’ teeth, Gill explained, sometimes produces partial impressions that prompt the need to take second impressions.

The iTero “wand” blows air to keep the mouth as dry as possible as it takes images of the mouth in eight segments, she said. The iTerpo software, she saied, then enables the clinician to assemble images of the mouth’s quadrants “like a puzzle.” It also gives the clinicians directions during the process.

“The software is advanced enough that it talks to you and tells you if there are deficiencies,” Cho said.

The Invisalign technology, which uses a sequence of plastic molds to realign patients’ teeth, also makes it easier for patients to keep their teeth clean since the molds are removed for flossing and brushing.

“Hygiene when you have metal braces, can be an issue,” Cho said.

For some patients, he said, metal braces are the only option. But when a choice is available, he said he makes his patients aware of the options.

Most of the patients who opt for the Invisalign technology are young adolescents, although he said a “wide range” of patients are opting for the iTero scan and Invisalign.

Younger patients at New Hyde Park Orthodontics earn rewards for maintaining good dental hygiene, report cards and when they celebrate a birthday. They accumulate points in their office visits to earn gift cards for Toys R’ Us, Best Buy, Target and the Cheesecake Factory.

“It’s a fun way to encourage good behavior. We want our patients to want to come here,” Cho said.

Cho said he also works at building a rapport with his patients as part of his practice.

“We try to develop relationships. Orthodontics is a long process,” Cho said. 

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