Readers Write: Our Lady of the Snows concert inspirational

The Island Now

I had the profound pleasure today [April 24 ] , to be invited to a concert by the Rev. Kevin McBrien at his church in Floral Park, which is Our Lady of the Snows. 

This was sponsored by the Queens Deanery # 5. 

The concert consisted of a number of choirs from various parishes. They are as follows; American Martyrs, Holy family. Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament, Our Lady of the Snows, St. Anastasia, St. Gregory the Great, St. Josaphat, St. Kevin, and St. Robert Bellarmine. A blessing was given at end of concert by Auxilliary Bishop Raymond Chappetto, who he hoped this would translate to hope and peace the rest of the year. 

The choirs were accompanied by a piano, organ, bells and a violin. 

I had found the concert was most inspiring and uplifting. It is religious concerts like this that I find it brings a renewal of faith, hope, healing and joy. 

As my mother once said,” Son, religious music is tonic for the soul.” 

Well that’s is so true I found through the years.

Frederick R. Bedell Jr.

Glen Oaks Village

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