Obamacare critics ignore the facts

The Island Now

I can only assume based on Morton Perlman’s comment re my criticism of Stephen Morris that he must be one or all of the following:  1. A friend of Stephen Morris, 2. A Republican or  3. Ill informed on the content of the “Affordable Care Act” commonly referred to by denigrating Republicans as “Obamacare.” 

To begin with, the cut in Medicare he refers to and which the Republicans purposely misrepresent to frighten seniors as to its purpose is seven hundred million not seven hundred billion as Mr. Perlman states in his letter.  This cut is intended to and is aimed at reducing unnecessary and inflated charges, cost, fees and fraud. 

That said, I am inclined to think this will result in better and more pointed care for seniors.


 John Nahas

 Great Neck

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