Readers Write: Obama opponents in Congress get free pass

The Island Now

Dr. Sobel’s letter about the Republican campaign, begun the day after Barack Obama took office, to obstruct and vilify him, was most instructive. 

We know about the determination of his opponents in the Congress to refuse to pass constructive legislation, their ridiculous assertion that the economy is worse off now than the one he was faced with after the disaster left by the administration of George Bush, and evidence of the growth of hate groups during the last seven years reinforces the reasons for the frustrations of our middle class. 

They know it but the contention that if you tell a lie often enough it will be believed has come to pass.

The demagogues have been at work but I do not entirely blame our suffering middle class. All of us have allowed this to happen. 

We all have failed to be vigilant. We have forgotten that neglect of the least among us is destructive. We have ignored the truth that no nation can long exist when discontent grows. We have lazily allowed those whose main motivation to pursue profit has distorted our economy.

Forgive me if I blame the influence of shallow thinking, the derogation of critical thinking. 

We may have the best university system in the world, but below that level, many of our educational systems have been infected with unsupported theories, intolerance of diversity, denial of the findings of science. 

Many aspects of the media and entertainment have sunk to the lowest forms of diversion.

During this campaign period, we have allowed the worst form of discussion to infect the airwaves. We have allowed media executives to make abominable choices in what they allow to be included in a daily barrage of garbage and infantile name calling. 

Taking advantage of the need of a troubled audience to be distracted from their worries, they have sunk to the emptiest level of discourse. Evidently they have no respect for their audience. 

I may be naive, but I have faith in my fellow human beings; we are born innocent and the adults have the responsibility to teach them. 

Those who display a cynical disregard of those they are influencing are the ones who should be vilified and rejected. We should believe those who respect us.

Working together and listening consistently to those whose motives are humane is essential. We can separate fact from fiction if we demand it.

Esther Confino

New Hyde Park

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