Readers Write: Obama a modern day Manchurian Candidate

The Island Now

Dear reader, please take my hand and skip with me down the yellow brick road and allow your active imagination run wild.

America today is the most powerful military and economic powerhouse on earth. 

However, there are those, in both America and internationally, who want to destroy the United States. However, they know that they cannot do it from afar.  

But, they have calculated that it is possible to do it from within.

But, how?

They had to find a charismatic person with a dynamite smile who has the hidden evil personality of Rasputin, Machiavelli, the Manchurian Candidate and a Fifth Columnist all wrapped up in one dude. They found him.

He had to not have a Judea-Christian background.  He had to be trained in another religion in a land not of Western culture.  He had to have an economic mindset created by an indoctrination by a communist mother and other communist relatives. 

He had to hide in a Chicago church as a faux Christian where he listened to a minister” for 20 years where this religious “leader” stated not God bless America, but God damn America.

So what has he accomplished in five and one-halt years?

This charlatan destroys everything he touches.  

With his thugs at the EPA, he is destroying the coal industry. The greatest  health-care system  on earth is in total chaos.  

He has allowed our border with Mexico become a sieve.  

He has allowed the IRS to go after individuals and organizations that are conservative.  The fast and furious gun debacle with Mexico whereby Eric Holder, his Attorney General, has not fired anyone. 

This same Holder would not indict thugs at a voting booth who had weapons intimidating  potential voters.[Remember when the FALN killers were pardoned?  

Who was the assistant U.S. Attorney General at the time?] He is destroying our military by reducing our forces, decreasing weapons, mothballing aircraft carriers and, finally, firing military personnel.  

He apologizes to foreigner leaders for the “sins” of America in the past.  

Where was he hiding when the Benghazi attack took our ambassador’s life and four other American heroes?

And while America’s economic status declines, Russia takes over parts of the Ukraine, Hamas sends rockets into Israel daily, China is pushing to take over islands that are Japanese, Iraq has asked the dude for weapons to fight !SIS who are beheading Christians by the thousands, what does he do?

He goes on vacation, plays a lot of golf and fund raises as the world is in flames. Based on the above, some say he simply is incompetent.  Not so!

This  chaos is all done by him by design.  He was honest.  He told the voters that he was going to fundamentally transform America.  What did he mean?

Transform from what to what?  And they voted  him into office twice because of two words:  Hope And Change.

Many Americans are hurting financially. 

Most of all, African-Americans who overwhelmingly voted for this first black president…which he is not. 

He is the first 1/2 white and 1/2 black man, who by his anti-American domestic and international polices, has disgraced both races.

Black people have been harmed from the days of slavery up to today…primarily because of their skin color. 

Progress has been made through the years…but, not enough. It is hoped that they will just give conservatives a chance by listening to them and not accept the lies of 50 plus years from liberals.

Blacks have to ask themselves one simple question: Are they better off now that he has been in office in 5 1/2 years? [Note to the Latino community: Beware of the liberals who are now doing to your community what they have done to the black community for 50 years.}

But, what does this fraud want for the next 2 112 years? This is where your imagination has to run wild with mine. Hold on to your seat.

He is shredding the Constitution for one reason only.

He is praying that the military takes over the U.S. government as he knows that they also have taken an oath to protect the Constitution. 

Yes, he is willing to sacrifice himself to cause further chaos in America and the world. With America on the

ropes domestically, the rest of the West would have lost their one powerful beacon of freedom.

What more damage can he do?

Don’t ask.

John Messina

Williston Park

P.S. Do yourself a favor and read Peggy Noonan’s latest column in The Wall Street Journal – Aug. 2-3, 2014 [Out of Many, Two?] and listen to Michael Savage on WOR710 at 3:00 – 5:00 p.m. She says:  “They may not mean to do it, but America’s political leaders are deepening the nation’s divisions.”  

And Savage says the POTUS is not acting as an imperial president, but a rogue criminal that should be arrested and has violated the Constitution so many times that impeachment is warranted. 

Kid you not.

P.P.S. I have no illusions that this letter will be printed by this newspaper as it is too provocative. 

But, if they do, I will tell you what the military will do before they turn the government back to the politicians. They will be in charge for no longer than one year.

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