


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Appeals of the Incorporated Village of Floral Park will hold a public hearing in the Village Hall, No. 1 Floral Boulevard, Floral Park, New York on February 9, 2022 at 8:00 p.m. relative to the following application:††Application of Mario Eusebio, owner of 240 Floral Parkway, Floral Park, NY 11001, for a variance from ß 99-21 E ñ The following features, and no others, may extend into required yards and courts not to exceed the distances specified, and except for Subsection E (4), (5) and (8), shall not be included in computing the building coverage: (7) Unroofed and unenclosed steps and stoops, terraces into the front yard, rear yard, and street side yard: extension of 25%.† Applicant proposes to maintain a front deck that measures approximately 11í from the front lot line at the narrowest point.† The 2% extension allows a 15í setback minimum.† ß 99-6 Schedule of Regulations: 5í minimum side yard and 15í minimum aggregate is required.§ 99-21 C ñ Rear yards: In any residence district, the rear yard shall have a minimum depth of 25 feet.† In the case of an uncovered deck, the rear yard shall have a minimum depth of 20í.† Applicant proposes to maintain a deck with a side yard setback of less than 1í and a rear yard of approximately 11í.§ 99-24 (F) (1) ñ No part of any freestanding heating, cooling, pumping, filtering, generating or other type of equipment or device shall be located in any front or side yard, or within 20 feet of any rear lot line, except that freestanding heating and cooling equipment may be located in the side yard provided that it is not located forward of the front line of the house or closer than 5 feet from the side lot line.† Applicant proposes to maintain a unit which is located in the front yard.††This application is made subject to the provisions of Article IX, Section 99-61, of the Zoning Ordinance of the Incorporated Village of Floral Park.††The property which said variance is applied for is located 503.79í west of the intersection of Floral Parkway and Webster Street on the southwest side of Floral Parkway, and known as 240 Floral Parkway, Section 32, Block 620, Lot 212 on the Nassau County Land and Tax Map.††A copy of the application is on file in the Public Works/Building Department facility located at the foot of Stewart Street in the Village of Floral Park and may be examined by any persons interested therein during business hours, Monday through Friday, inclusive, except legal holidays from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.††NOW TAKE NOTICE, that all parties in interest and citizens will be given the opportunity to be heard at the aforesaid time and place.††BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF APPEALS†INCORPORATED VILLAGE OF FLORAL PARK, NY†Margaret Fowler, Acting Zoning Board Secretary†Dated:† January 2022

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