Reader’s Write: Navarra right choice for Mineola board

The Island Now

I am writing on behalf of school board candidate Patricia Navarra.  

I have known Patricia Navarra for the past 15 years.  We have sat side by side for many school functions, including PTA meetings, fund raisers and sporting events.  

I know her as a friend, parent and neighbor and I have always found her to be an honest and caring person. Patricia and I have had hundreds of conversations centered on education. We have daughters the same age and grade and have shared their triumphs and challenges.  As parents and teachers between the both of us we have pretty much seen it all. 

One common thread in our conversations has always been how different children learn, and why as a society we expect all of them to fit into a “cookie cutter” mold.  

Every child is like a snowflake, none the same; yet we expect them to all learn in the same manner. Each and every conversation we had always ended in how can we do better?  

Unfortunately we haven’t come up with one perfect answer we only know that doing it the “old fashioned” way doesn’t work. As a result Patricia has adapted her “curriculum” to include and embrace all her students no matter what their needs may be.  

When she sees something doesn’t work she asks herself “What can I do better/different?” She asks the students their opinion and she makes them feel as though it matters because she uses what they say in a way that they feel valued.  

The Mineola Board of Education needs a person such as Patricia Navarra, desperately.  She is one of the most honest and caring people I have ever met.  She genuinely cares about each and every student and it radiates in everything she does.  

Not everyone can balance politics, fairness, kindness and compassion with grace; yet she does. Patricia Navarra will be a tremendous asset to Mineola, and she has my vote, and I hope she has yours too.


Cathy Clancy


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