Nassau County should not help youth agencies

The Island Now

Your subject editorial asserts that, “ Cutting the funding for youth services should not be an option. Without the county’s support most, if not all, of these programs will close.” 

County support is a fig leaf and when translated means taxpayer support. High time the county stepped away, as the reality is simple. 

Nassau County is broke after decades of reckless spending on extravagances such as these, for which both parties own the blame. 

Parents are responsible for their children while they are minors, not the county. If parents need these programs for their children, let them fund them either on their own dime or organize them through charitable entities such as the church and synagogue. 

Since the British Fabians (Shaw, the Webbs etc.), lefties have aggressively promoted government as the solution to all our problems. Reflective people understand how soul destroying this pernicious notion is. Doing for people what they should be doing for themselves destroys personal initiative, fosters crippling dependence and breeds a self absorbed sense of entitlement. 

These attributes are unworthy of great nations and catalysts for their decline. 


Tom Coffey


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