Reader’s Write: N. Shore driving practices threaten safety

The Island Now

It’s time to stop the madness, again. Driving habits in these parts are off the hook. No one does the speed limits, they never stop at yellow lights, they drive right on top of the car in front of them and they still end up at the same traffic light as the sane person who takes his life in his hands by following the rules of the road. 

Speeding and bending the traffic laws to suit are cause for stress, accidents and deaths. The fallout can be devastating, from the loss of insurance, physical damage, medical expenses, litigation and death. This is serious stuff.

The healthier lifestyle everyone pretends to want includes lowering our stress levels. If all of the thousands of miles spent behind the wheel of our cars are in a stressed state as a result of speed and breaking laws, the damages to ourselves is underestimated. If you don’t believe me try this, slow down for one week, do not speed, do not break any laws, let everyone pass you. Listen to the radio, forget about being late for the appointment there’s nothing driving can accomplish to get you there on time, that’s a different lifestyle choice and decision point, it’s not because you’re driving is too slow.

What you will learn, that’s up to you, but I learned to relax in the car and take pressure out of driving. When I saw this accident on a perfect clear morning, a single vehicle that took down a telephone, power line pole, it set up a perfect example for this letter. Why was this idiot going double the speed limit and why did they slam into a pole. I’m told by law enforcement no one was killed today. 

Ultimately this becomes a drain on all of us, our resources are wasted and our costs go up globally.


Bill Spitalnick


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