Money allowed to trump will of the people

The Island Now

Within the definition of a republic is the phrase: A state or nation in which the supreme power rests in all the citizens entitled to vote. 

That of democracy states: Government by all the people either directly or through elected officials. It is generally recognized that South American countries are republics and that The U.S.A. is a democracy: A republic being a class society and a democracy not a class society with all citizens being equal.

Recent news is that the president of Venezuela was re-elected and that he would continue his socialist agenda. The Republican Party  here in The U.S.A. is claiming that what they term as handouts is socialism. Words are often used merely as labels. In Venezuela, the situation would have to be examined to determine the actual state of affairs.Our form of government is such that it is the duty of government to protect and care for the people. 

Therefore, the term socialism does not apply here and neither does the class labels.

Referring to the above definition of a republic, our republican party is making an effort to make it difficult for many to be able to vote therefore denying them their entitlement. Further examination reveals that The U.S.A. is becoming more and more like a republic than a democracy.

It is the hands and minds of the people here that create the wealth. This wealth is being stolen from the people by the lack of  proper taxes on capital gains and corporations and other ways coupled with the inequality of wages and salaries. An elite is becoming  more and more prominent and our government is being driven into bankruptcy. It is fair to say that lobbying is bribery and it certainly sells out the will of the people: Government for sale. 

Enough is enough!


Charles Samek


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