McCarthy vote aids Planned Parenthood

The Island Now

In the article, “Budget votes reflect my goals in Congress,” in the March 4, 2011 edition of The Williston Times, Rep. Carolyn McCarthy writes that she “voted against a budget amendment to defund health-care reforms” and that this budget bill “cuts funding for women’s health care.”

Translation: Carolyn McCarthy does not vote for bills that defunds abortion or Planned Parenthood.

Medical technology proves that life begins at conception.

Abortion advocates themselves have admitted for years that abortion kills a human being.

Murder and eugenics, both of these evils, are supported by those in Congress who support abortion and Planned Parenthood.

They carry on the torch of Margaret Sanger. One of Carolyn McCarthy’s goals in Congress is to continue to use taxpayers money to support the murder of innocent human life.

She chooses to end life each and every time she votes in favor of Planned Parenthood.

Perhaps someday voters in the Long Island’s 4th Congressional District will vote for life and against Carolyn McCarthy.

Anne Reiser

East Williston


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