Reader’s Write:Liberal letter-writers get it wrong

The Island Now

It’s amazing how people come out of nowhere and really make a difference.   

1 – When some of your liberal readers (I am just taking a wild guess about their political affiliation) were clamoring for the banning of my articles, Dr. Hal Sobel, of Great Neck, came to my rescue. Thank God there are still kind and understanding progressives remaining in Great Neck. 

A few, like the good doctor, feels that there is hope for those of us who disagree with their philosophy and with the proper guidance and education we could be “rehabilitated.” I’m sure that Included in his therapeutic treatment for me would be the mandatory reading of every New York Times editorial and all of Paul Krugman’s books. 

His letter stated that since he was a lifelong ACLU member (Really? I never would have guessed!) he graciously supports my first amendment rights. (what a guy!)  

Now get ready for this one. “Even though Dr. Morris is an arch-conservative” (can someone be any worse than that?) Dr Sobel  recommends that this newspaper continue printing my articles.  Wow! Thank you so much. Remember everyone, Dr. Sobel is just trying to “cure me”.

2 – I am really indebted to the federal judge, who ruled last month, that anyone, (I guess that includes my granddaughter), can now walk into any CVS and buy her own “morning-after pills,” over the counter. After all, It was such an inconvenience for her to obtain a prescription. She is so busy studying for her bat mitzvah.    

It’s also not “fair” that only wealthy children have access to this wonderful drug. Why don’t we just include it in the free lunch program?  A tuna sandwich, a glass of milk and birth control pills are the perfect mid-day treat for our young teenagers. But remember, no Twinkies or Pepsi.     

I also hope someone will tell Eric Holder to be on the lookout for those “evil” pro-lifers, who want these pills to be packaged in a 38 oz. container so Mayor Bloomberg must legally ban them. Our wonderful judges, are so much better raising our kids than we are. Aren’t they?    

3 -Thanks must go to Sheila Scimone, president of the Great Neck Teachers Association, who proudly boasted in The Great Neck News, that her union came to Great Neck’s rescue again, by actually accepting a reduced cost-of-living increase. Isn’t her generosity underwhelming? And guess what else she agreed to?  

The union will pay a whopping 5 percent “more” of their own health-care premiums!  Isn’t that great? It would have been much better however, if she could tell us how we, in the private sector, can get the same tax-free pensions that she gets! 

I guess she hasn’t heard that Brentwood, Long Island’s largest school district with 17,000 students, had to cut 180 teachers in the past three years and plans to cut 70 more, all because their union refuses to accept a wage freeze! Their 12 remaining teachers are ecstatic.

By the way, I must apologize for criticizing teacher’s unprofessional behavior. The teachers who stormed the capital in Madison, Wis., physically threatened their duly elected lawmakers, and illegally shutdown their state government, were definitely not exhibiting unprofessional behavior at all. This AP class-project was just attempting to teach our children that violent, disruptive and illegal behavior can be a useful tool in today’s world. We should really be thanking those teachers, instead of always criticizing them.

4 – It was also important to read that Mr. Bing Tang, an avid Mineola reader of the Williston Times, assured us that the sexual abuse problem in the Catholic Church could be simply solved by allowing priests to marry. 

What a “great” idea. I am surprised I didn’t think of that first. Mr. Tang’s brilliant theory must be based on his extensive research which clearly demonstrated that no married man has ever been convicted of any sexually-related crime! Not even one. 

Amazing, isn’t it? Maybe we could avoid Jews being targeted by terrorists by having them stop wearing yamulkahs.   

Thanks to all of you who really “made a difference”.      


Dr. Stephen Morris    

North Hills

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