Readers Write: Letter-writer should offer ideas, not name calling

The Island Now

In the late 1970s there was a skit on Saturday Night Live with Dan Akroyd and Jane Curtin, “Point Counterpoint.” 

Dan Akroyd’s response to Jane Curtin after she made her point was, “Jane, you ignorant slut.” 

Today’s response from Dan Akroyd would be, “Jane, you are incoherent, irrational and your opinion is an insult to laws of logic.” Not as funny, but you get the idea.

 In response to Mr. Coffey who proceeded to piss on me for having an opposing view (even though he had no interest in doing so), my only point was that in my opinion, society (the “collective we”) has a responsibility to maintain and improve our schools systems for the future of our children and our children’s children. 

I am willing to pay for that and as long as all property owners are paying the tax, I am not sure I understand how this is discriminatory (as opposed to Mr. Ourlicht’s suggestion that only the rich be obligated to support public education). 

The reason I singled out New York (as I am sure Mr. Coffey knows) is because residents of New York do not pay property taxes in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Nevada or Wisconsin. 

Mr. Coffey alluded to the fact that other states have taken a different approach. 

Rather than calling an opposing view “pious blather,” perhaps he could share some of the other approaches taken.

Stuart Dolgin

Great Neck

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