Readers Write: Letter-writer fails to give Obama credit

The Island Now

I am not sure which Obama Mr. J.M. was talking about in his letter which was in your letters column published August 15, 2014.

I know a different Obama. An Obama who has been elected to the presidency twice, by a majority of the American citizenry.

The Obama I know won the Nobel Peace Prize.  I am sure he won it because of his desire to establish a peaceful world, a world free of killings and war.

The Obama I know and respect is the man who has basically gotten us out of Iraq and Afghanistan.

Our soldiers could have been left there at the risk of death and injury and tremendous financial cost. America and its allies have been proven unable to solve problems, which have to be solved by the countries themselves.

The Obama I know and respect, is the man who adapted the medical plan (created by a Republican for the State of Massachusetts), a plan that now covers millions of previously uninsured Americans. If you are now covered, but had been one of those previously uninsured, with the a Damocles Sword of serious illness hanging over your head, on a daily basis, threatening to bankrupt you and your wife and kids you can now join me in respecting the Obama I know who brought you Obamacare. 

A program that has evaded presidents since Harry Truman suggested that some national medical plan is required for this rich nation.

Every subsequent president failed to implement a plan until Obama, the President I respect.  

Obamacare is not perfect, and I would vote for Universal Health Care, but that ideal is not available while Republican naysayers can stop it.

The Obama I know and respect, is the leading force in an economy that is improving day by day and an unemployment number falling. This is happening not quickly enough for anybody, but happening without the cooperation of a Congress which believes that the reason for their existence, is to stop Obama where ever he goes.

The Obama I know and respect, is waging a battle against climate change, which is a threat to humanity greater than all of history’s wars and natural disasters. He is fighting for me and my family against the winds of non scientists, who refuse to accept reality.

No President is perfect, but the American people have recognized that  the Obama I know and respect has been a good choice for them to lead America in a time of unbelievable crises.  

I respect their choice. I respect President Obama. 

Allen Leboff

Great Neck

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