Kaplan will serve town well

The Island Now

I have known Anna Monahemi Kaplan, her husband and her family for over 20 years.

Throughout those years, I have seen Anna give countless hours of her time and energy towards making her children’s schools and the community at large a better place.

She is a hard worker, and conscientious in every task she undertakes. Anna is a person who can be counted on to do the right thing, and to be guided by the greater good. She is person of integrity, courage, abundant intelligence and honesty. In today’s world, these qualities are scarce, but needed more than ever.

Based upon her credentials and record of service, Anna deserves the vote of this community. I urge my friends and neighbors to take a few minutes to cast their vote for Anna and her team on Nov. 8. Anna Kaplan needs our support on Election Day, but even more, we need Anna Kaplan.

A candidate like Anna does not come along every day. Please do your part to make sure that the right candidate is in place to represent our community.

Jacqueline Harounian, Esq.

Wisselman, Harounian & Associates, P.C.

Great Neck

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