Inc. Village of Floral Park Board of Trustees Reports May 5, 2020

The Island Now

Department of Public Works (DPW) – Deputy Mayor Fitzgerald

Over the past few weeks, the Village has sent notifications via various methods to inform residents about the proper way to place recyclables at the curb for pickup. Which is on a high level only cleaned plastic, glass, tin and aluminum containers in the blue bin (no see through bags) and paper/cardboard wrapped and tied next to the blue bin. I am happy to report that we have seen a significant increase in compliance including a significant increase in residents coming in for new blue recyclable bins. The proper sorting by our residents prior to pick up is important for two reasons. One the sorting station does have the ability to reject the Village’s entire truck load if there are mixed or not clean materials which can then lead to a significant expense for the Village to dispose of and secondly and more importantly improperly sorted materials risks the health and safety of our employees at DPW as well as the health and safety of the employees at the transfer station that need to manually sort through materials to reject the items that are not clean recyclable. I would like to thank our residents for the continued diligence in this effort. Full details on the specifics can be found on our Village website.

Recently two projects were completed within the Village and in both cases we received thank you notes from residents with specific shout-outs to Superintendent Kevin Ginnane.

From a Resident on Bergen Street“We send this message in an attempt to acknowledge the diligent and dedicated service of Kevin Ginnane. As we know throughout the 3rd rail project, Bergen Street residents were effected for the longest and most intrusive time span. Mr. Ginnane made himself available to all residents, listened to their concerns and followed up with the outcomes. He should be commended for his long hours, visits to the residents and overall availability and oversight. In this environment where people always take the time to complain, we would like to thank Kevin for making a very inconvenient time tolerable. His work ethic was notable and his dedication to the village obvious.”

From a Resident on Walnut Street“We wish to express our gratitude to you, Dr. Pombonyo and the Board of Trustees for correcting the flooding problem that has impacted our property on Walnut Avenue for the last seven years and long before that. Through the efforts and supervision of Superintendent Mr. Kevin Ginnane, this essential job was completed with minimal disruption to our daily routine. We are aware that much planning and preparation went into the final project. Mr. Ginnane and Tommy of Jen-El kept us informed throughout the project. There have been a number of rain challenges since the drain was placed in and we are happy to say the new drain has handled it all with no flooding. We believe all of Walnut Avenue will benefit. We are so thankful that all parties involved continue to make Floral Park a great place to live.”

Again a special thank you to all of our Village employees for ensuring the smooth and effective operation of our Village during this time.

Recreation and Pool Departments – Trustee Pombonyo

Trustee Pombonyo proudly recognized all of our graduates, members of the Class of 2020 from our elementary and high schools, colleges, the military, and other educational institutions. Last week’s Friday Night Lights was celebrated throughout Floral Park by many of our residents,  businesses, Village departmental staff members, and at the Recreation Center where all joined in shining their lights brightly in tribute to High School Seniors across Long Island. Let us all celebrate this year’s graduates and extend our congratulations and feelings of pride to them throughout the coming weeks and months.

And stay tuned for details about our Summer 2020 recreation and pool plans as our communities carefully reopen with guidance from the federal, state and county governments, and health agencies.


Floral Park Conservation Society – Trustee Pombonyo


Trustee Pombonyo invited all to take a virtual look at our beautiful Centennial Gardens by visiting “Floral Park Centennial Gardens” on Facebook. There you will see magnificent posts, photos and videos, contributed by our talented Conservation Society volunteers and others, telling the exciting stories of this year’s trees, flowers, plants and birds that fill our Gardens. Be sure to read the captions. You will see how this spring’s volunteers, working individually and in small groups maintaining social distancing, have made each area of the Gardens come alive. Along with the colorful photos and videos, please note the important post: The Power of Social Distancing. Thanks go to our dedicated Conservation Society volunteers, Parks Department and Department of Public Works who, while operating under the many health-related restrictions that are now in place, are beautifying Floral Park’s spectacular natural treasure. As our Gardens’ Facebook page proclaims, “Where flowers bloom, so does hope.”

Covert Avenue Chamber of Commerce and Our Businesses – Trustee Pombonyo

Trustee Pombonyo happily reported that SHOP AND DINE LOCAL is a big hit in Floral Park and Stewart Manor. Thanks to our restaurants, stores and businesses who work so hard to serve the public, and to our residents who utilize and enjoy all that the local businesses have to offer. Stay tuned for details about specials and future reopenings.


Fire Department – Trustee Cheng

At our last meeting, on behalf of the Village Board and all of our residents, I thanked all of our Fire Department members. Inasmuch as I believe we can’t thank them enough, I again wish to thank each and every member of the Fire Department for responding to fire and rescue calls during this time. All of the members have demonstrated their commitment to the residents of our Village and acted with the Police Department and Department of Public Works as our Village’s front-line heroes. We continue to pray for your safety and continued health. Calls for the month of April were 77 for Rescue, and 10 for firematic calls.


Third Track – Trustee Cheng

Since our last meeting, the remaining retaining and sound wall work along the south side of the Right of Way has been completed. On the North side of the Right of Way, the sound walls have been completed between Plainfield Avenue and Main Street and along Charles Street from Beechhurst to New Hyde Park. As to the sound walls for the rest of Charles Street, 3TC has advised me that installation will commence in the fall of this year. The sound wall work in this area had been scheduled for construction in the year 2021. This has been moved up by 3TC, however, the manufacturing of the wall sections has not been completed. Furthermore, the installation process is different. They will be installed via “hi-railing” which has been explained to me that the sound wall sections will be installed from the LIRR tracks with a special machine.

Finally, the Tunnel to the Park is scheduled to be prepped and painted the week of May 11. We anticipate and are hopeful that the Tunnel will be open on May 18.


Library – Trustee Chiara

Our creative Library staff has been adapting to the times by providing our residents with a good number of online activities. Every night last week, Ms. Jen read a story to the children with a bedtime theme. Last week, there was a family cooking class in which the patrons made pretzels. It was a great class, well attended with attendees commenting on how much they enjoyed it. Sticking with the coking theme, this week they are hosting a family pizza making class. It should be fun!

Yesterday, the Library hosted a Library Star Wars Trivia Contest for families, cleverly named “May the Fourth be with You.”   There were 75 Participants all of which were entered into a drawing with one winner of a $25.00 Amazon gift card. Adults are now offered an intro to Skype, Facetime and Zoom classes virtually, to demonstrate how to use these online services. The library staff also continues to offer regular zoom classes of “a Time for Kids; Chair Yoga; craft classes of Zentangles and Japanese paper cutting, and the lobby book pick up is still going strong.

Our Library staff hasn’t let this Coronavirus slow them down at all. They are utilizing every means possible to engage, connect and keep our residents active. Check their website for upcoming events and services. Thank you to all our Library staff for being so creative and engaging with our community. Especially during these times, their services, are very much appreciated.



Building Department – Trustee Chiara

The Building Department remains open for business, accepting applications for permits. They are available to assist our residents with all their building concerns. Keep in mind that the Governor restrictions on non-essential work remains in effect until May 15. If you have any questions concerning these restrictions or any other building matters please contact the Building Department at their website at

As a reminder, all our current building codes are in effect. It is always a good idea to check with the building dept. before starting any construction projects. This will avoid any delays.

Thanks to Superintendent Renee Marcus and staff for all that you are doing for our residents during these different times.

Mayor’s Report – Mayor Dominick Longobardi

Before the opening of the meeting the Mayor announced that due to the COVID-19 pandemic and social distancing mandate, seating would be limited in the Village Hall Courtroom and that a video-conference (Click Link: Meeting ID: 811 9547 4867; Password: 260826) and tele-conference (Call 1-646-558-8656; Meeting ID: 811 9547 4867; Password: 260826) were set up for the public to listen in and to allow for a public comment period during the board meeting. The Mayor also stated for the record that various Trustees, Department Heads, employees and volunteers were participating remotely, all in accordance with CDC guidelines.

The Mayor opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance and then held a moment of silence for those that have passed away or are sick due to COVID-19 in our community and asked all to please keep their families and friends in our prayers.

The Mayor thanked the entire staff working in the Village and the outskirts for their hard work keeping the Village of Floral Park fully running and operating to serve the residents and the public throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. The employees have been accomplishing all of this within the limits of the federal, state and county emergency executive orders. The Village recognizes that this is “a difficult time for residents as they are stuck in their homes.” The Mayor was dismayed to report that there have unfortunately been some abusive situations with local residents that the Village has had to respond to. He is proud to compliment Village Administrator Gerry Bambrick and the office and field staffs for resolving them, all with patience and professionalism. Mayor Longobardi also counter-reported that there are many good things happening with residents too. Residents are holding local food-drives, neighbors are caring for neighbors, some residents are using technology to manufacture personal protective equipment (PPE) such as face masks and pop-up signs are on lawns everywhere throughout Floral Park celebrating the local heroes of the pandemic; first responders in the police department, fire department and EMTs, front-line workers, nurses, doctors, teachers and finally parents, grandparents and kids who have had to adapt to this new way of life. We applaud you all. There have been such great acts of caring and love that I and the Board of Trustees have witnessed throughout this pandemic. It is a testament to Floral Park being such a great place to live. Please call the Village if you need any help – we are here for you.

Mayor Longobardi also reported that there is still a long way to go and the Village, especially Administrator Gerry Bambrick, has been monitoring the Governor’s and the CDC’s guidelines on a 24/7 basis to comply with and/or adapt to ever new and changing mandates. The Mayor also stated that he has received dozens of calls about “When is the Floral Park Pool opening?” He is waiting for the Governor’s announcement on May 15th to determine what can be done. The Mayor assured everyone that the Village will do ‘whatever it can as soon as it can” to get life back to a new normal. Mayor Longobardi cannot wait until we can all be together again and that “we will all get through this together”. Thank you.

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