How To Make Cannabutter At Home

Shefali Sinha
How To Make Cannabutter At Home - theislandnow

For those seeking new ways to incorporate cannabis into their routine, cannabutter is a highly innovative option. The popularity of cannabis consumption continues to grow, as more individuals show interest in hemp and related products.

The increasing recognition of cannabis’s medicinal benefits also contributes to this trend, leading countries worldwide to consider legalization.

A wide range of cannabis products are now available, including beverages, pre-rolls, gummies,
CBD oil, and various edibles. It is even possible to legally purchase weed online from marijuana stores.

In the meantime, you can find information on how to pass a drug test for weed on the internet.

What Is Cannabutter?

Weed butter is used in several cuisines. Most cannabis brownies, cupcakes, and other edibles contain weed butter. In some regions, people also include butter in their beverages, such as tea or coffee.


Therefore you can incorporate the weed butter in your morning coffee or evening tea.

Moreover, you can use it to create various savory dishes. Whether you are cooking a medium-rare steak or having pancakes, weed butter will never disappoint you.

It will provide you with the primal butter texture and taste you seek, along with a long-lasting soothing effect.

How To Mix Butter & Weed?

You might be wondering whether weed mixes with certain fatty compounds. Both these substances have a different consistency. Therefore, mixing them might seem an unusual idea.

However, that is not quite the case.


The components present in the weed have certain fatty compounds. Fats do not mix with liquids such as water and some alcohol.

The reason is that fats are hydrophobic, which in layman’s language means water-hating.

Like Dissolves Like

Moreover, cannabinoid substances also have the same nature. Therefore, these compounds can immerse into each other quite well. This principle explains the phrase “like dissolves like.”

This is quite common in the chemistry of compounds and leads to the formation of weed butter.


The cannabinoid compounds are fat-soluble, and CBD and THC do not require additional steps to integrate with different fats and oils like best CBD oil.

Several saturated fatty acids act as an optimal base for absorbing THC and CBD, and these involve butter, meat fat, and bacon.

Moreover, these instantly combine with the compounds found in hemp.


However, if you use monounsaturated fatty acids that involve different types of oil, such as coconut and olive, you might experience difficulty.

It requires more time for these oils to mix with the cannabis compounds.

Approaching The Process

Making weed butter is an instant process, and it does not require a certain set of skills and expertise before making it.

Moreover, you do not need to have some extra information or insights regarding the composition of cannabis and butter to get optimal results.


It is possible to make the cannabis butter at home and store it for further use in your diet. All you must have is patience and an ability to taste quality butter, which will help you produce the most delicious weed butter.

There are several steps in the entire procedure. You must remain keen while performing each one to ensure that the cannabis butter has the taste and effect you seek.

How To Make Cannabutter

The following are steps you can follow to make weed butter:

Step 1: Acquiring The Ingredients

Just like proceeding with any other cooking endeavor, you must gather around the ingredients you need to create this infused butter.

Once you acquire them, you will have an outline to follow for making quality marijuana butter by using the
best weed strains

Most of these items are already present in your household. Therefore, this infused butter recipe will be convenient for you.


The following are the ingredients you need for decarboxylation:

  • Cannabis flower (1g)
  • Baking sheet/parchment paper
  • Grinder
  • Oven
  • Spatula or wooden spoon


The next step after decarboxylation is making cannabutter. This is the most important step you must follow accurately and intuitively to make quality weed butter.


The best thing is that most ingredients are available in your kitchen. The following are some of the main components you need to make these cannabis edibles:

  • Unsalted butter (Preferable amount)
  • Water (¼ cup)
  • Saucepan or slow cooker
  • Candy thermometer
  • Meat (Fine quality)
  • Storage container

Step 2: Assessing Weed Quality

The cannabis flower strain you utilize for making cannabis butter will determine the quality of homemade edibles you derive from it. Therefore you must use quality strains. Each cannabis flower has a distinct taste, and the companies provide a range of options with different flavors.

Therefore you can slice the ones that match your taste buds. These flavors are likely to reflect in the resulting butter. As a result, whatever homemade edibles you choose to produce from this butter will have the same taste.

Therefore you must ensure that it is according to your preferences. Moreover, it should not be too sour or bitter about destroying the flavor of homemade edibles.

You may also find cannabis flowers from different vendors.

These are not highly processed and may have a more ethereal touch. However, these are directly obtained from the plant. They will likely have more plant-based content. Using a cannabis strain for insomnia will provide you with optimal weed benefits.

However, these may interfere with the taste of the cuisines you decide to prepare from the butter. Therefore you must exercise caution and knowledge while acquiring the cannabis flower. Here are some factors you need to consider when assessing weed quality:

The Right Form: People make cannabis-infused butter with the trims of the plant. These are the weed content that you get right after the harvest.

Therefore they can have a slightly overpowering taste. These include chlorophyll which is a compound present in all plants.

It has a distinct taste that is not very appealing for a cannabutter recipe. This compound tends to enhance the bitterness of the cannabis-infused butter.

Hence you will get this unappetizing flavor in all the components you prepare using this butter. Therefore it is not an effective measure to use shakes or weed trims for the cannabutter recipe.

The Best Variety: If you already have some experience making cannabutter, you can use a specific species. You may hear people commonly calling it a hash.

It is one of the most ancient plant strains that provide you with the optimal cannabis benefits. The only difference between this compound and the common strains is the rein present inside them.

Nevertheless, the benefits remain almost the same in both substances. However, to use this cannabutter recipe, you must possess some level of skill and expertise in making cannabutter.

The Strains: As a beginner, you can opt for the quality cannabis flower available in the market. These are the ones that you may use for vapes and smoking. You can usually find these flowers in two strains: sativa and indica.

There is not much difference in the chemical composition of these strains.

However, the aroma and taste of these flowers vary due to the different forms of terpenes present in them.

In some cases, the effect may differ in the two types of flowers. When you use them for your cannabutter recipe, these terpenes usually dissolve. Hence, they will play no role in the final product.

Therefore whatever type of flower you use for making cannabutter, the taste and effect will remain the same.

CBD And THC Content

Instead of focusing on the type of flower available in the market, you should consider its composition. Each strain in the market has a certain amount of CBD and THC. These are the two factors that need your attention.

You must decide what type of compound and concentration you want for your cannabutter recipe.

These factors are based on the nature of the effect that you intend to draw from the edibles. There are certain rules regarding this composition that you can keep in hindsight while making cannabutter.

Generally, you can opt for an equal ratio of CBD and THC. Both these compounds cast a slightly different effect on your body. Here THC may have euphoric and psychoactive effects.

CBD tries to relax your mind and calm your nervous fidgets. Therefore, these components can balance each other at optimal levels. You can fix a ratio of CBD and THC for the butter.

A 1:1 concentration is suitable for the recipe. However, people often experiment and try to enhance the level of one substance out of two.

Appropriate Flavor

After selecting the form of the flower, you must now focus on the flavor you intend to get from the butter and other edibles.

There are a variety of components that determine the favor of the flowers. Some cannabis strains may have a fruity taste. In contrast, others have a strong pungent and more earthy flavor. Like the essence of the flower, the scent also varies.


Some will have a citrus aroma, while others might take you to the trip and your local forest. Therefore you have a variety of flavors that you can choose from. Each one distinctively affects your desserts and savory dishes.


Therefore you can create a different butter with a unique taste for each of your cuisines. The type of terpene present in the taste is usually responsible for these factors.

There are three to four options commonly present in the market. These include citrus, lemon, herbal, pepper, or peppermint effects. You can use the lime essence or other citrus weed flowers for savory desserts.


However, herbal flavors are often suitable when you intend to cook meat and full-course dinners. These can effectively replace the taste of herbs such as thyme and rosemary to some extent.

Therefore they can add an extra kick to the well-done steak you want for dinner.

By melting the butter, you can also use the pepper and other bitter flavors as vegetable oil.

Step 3: Preheating The Cannabis

It is an essential step in creating the final butter. You heat the strains to activate the components present inside. It is common knowledge that flowers contain THC and CBD in their inactive forms.

Therefore you must employ some measures to convert these components and get the required effect.


Therefore in most cases, you burn the joint. It helps instantly trigger the activation of THC, and you get the sudden euphoria.

However, you will have to be precise and cautious in making butter.


You cannot use similar methods as burning the joints. You have to preheat the weed to get the decarbed cannabis. The process of Decarboxylation accelerates as you increase the heat.

However, too much heat for the strains is not suitable for making the butter. Therefore you have to monitor the temperature and heat you impart to the flowers to preserve the taste.


Therefore using an oven is more appropriate as you can have more control over its functions. Adjust the temperature of the oven before beginning the rest of the process.


  1. Preheat the oven to around 245°F


  2. Tear the flower into tiny pieces. It will allow you to heat it and activate the compounds. Smaller surface areas favor the action of temperature. Every particle that contains CBD and THC in inactive states will have access to heat. Therefore you can use your hand to break it.


  3. Grind the strain before heating. It will further break down the flower into further small parts. However, they can lose their essence if you grind them too much. The strategy is only helpful if you grind flowers roughly to a suitable but smaller size. The reason is that it is somewhat difficult to grind the decarbed flower. However, you should not excessively grind it.


  4. Place these bits of cannabis on parchment paper or a baking sheet. You must thoroughly cover the pieces in a foil or silicon bag. The step will help you minimize the air contact and prevent excessive oxidation of the compounds inside.

    You can place the airtight pouch on the baking tray and add it to the oven. Once you insert the plate inside, adjust the timer around 25 to 30 minutes. The time frame will help the heat activate most of the THC and CBD inside.

    When these 30 minutes pass, more than 90% of the CBD and the inside will be in an active state.


  5. Once your time is off, you can retrieve the tray and place it on a shelf where it cools down. After some time, you can remove the pouch from the baking sheet and place it aside.


  6. When you get the flower pieces, you can grind them again. The smaller size will allow you to grind them more instantly and easily. You must ensure that they have a fine size similar to coffee grounds.

Step 4: Infusing

Once you go through all the technical aspects of making the butter, you must master this one to get excellent results. It will determine the quality of the butter and the taste profile of various edibles. Therefore you need to be meticulous regarding every part of this phase.

However, do not overwhelm yourself if you are a beginner. It is quite a simple process, and some precision will help you achieve the goal of having exceptional butter.


The first step is to have the best ingredients. Regular butter is suitable for getting an optimal product. However, if you get unsalted butter with high-fat content, you have incredible results.

Some people opt for prolonged methods to get the right essence, which ruins the butter’s flavor and taste. You may end up not receiving the CBD and THC in the butter.

Moreover, the plant component may also start interfering with the final product.

As a result, you may not only fail at getting the weed butter but also have a highly repulsive taste.

Optimal Time Frame

Latest advancements in the domain show that it does not require additional time and heat to get the cannabis content infused into the butter.

Data suggest that after a particular period, the grounds efficiently dissolve in the cup of butter in the pan.


All you need is a slow cooker to ensure that the texture of the butter remains good.

Moreover, you must allot a specific time frame to the entire cooking process. If you have a slow cooker, then a period of 45 to 60 minutes is quite suitable.

The Case of Brown Butter

This frame also shortens if you opt for brown butter. It takes even less time to incorporate the cannabis contents. Therefore after 30 minutes, more than 90% of the compounds in the ground cannabis will integrate into the melted butter. 

It usually takes approximately 6 minutes to get most of the cannabinoid compound into the brown butter. Therefore do not go for the 2-hour-long period that most people will suggest to you.


These methods will degrade the cannabinoid compounds, and you will have regular butter with a pathetic taste.

Use low heat, potent cannabis grounds, a cup of butter, and a slow cooker to proceed further without impediment.


  1. To get your cannabutter, use a non-stick pan and place it on low heat. Add ¼ cup of tap water, and then add the grounds to the pot butter.
  2. Add the lid to the saucepan and let it simmer on optimal heat. It is necessary to set a temperature limit, and it should be around 190°F.

    Constantly monitor the pot of butter to monitor the temperature range. You should let the pot heat for about 45 to 60 minutes. You can also set a tier nearby to maintain the progress.
  3. Once the period passes, you can remove the pan from the stove. Get your fine mesh and pass the mixture through it. It will filter out any solid particles present in the butter.

    The step is necessary to maintain the texture and quality of the butter, and it helps you get a more potent butter in the result. You can also use common filters such as cheesecloth.

    However, the heat and the constant pouring of the liquid will mess with the structural integrity of the cloth. It may also soak up the mixture, which may lead to bursting, and you will lose the butter.
  4. Pour the butter mixture into a container, lock it, and set it aside.

Step 5: Utilization And Storage

Once you make the butter, you can state it and use it whenever you want. However, you should notice that the shelf life of this butter is not quite high.

Therefore it is more suitable if you utilize it within the first weeks. Place the remaining butter in an airtight container within the refrigerator, which will last up to 2 weeks.

Hence, you should minimize the air contact to prevent oxidation or fungal growth.


Moreover, do not place the butter at a high temperature or under heat. You should add the amount of butter according to the recipe. You need to follow no specific protocol to satisfy your cravings.

However, there are some details that you must consider while cooking with this butter. When you decarb the cannabis, most of the THC and CBD becomes activated.

Cannabutter THC Levels

According to the latest findings, it is evident that more than 30% of the THC is present in an active state in this butter. However, this range varies.

When you melt butter for cooking, the heat may further trigger the activation of the ther CBD and THC. Therefore you should not conduct the decarboxylation process for more than 30 minutes.

Step 6: Suitable Dose

When experimenting with something like weed, you must be mindful of the effects. We know that cannabis tolerance may vary among individuals.

However, using cannabis with edibles can have some rare reactions. We do not know the full potency of cannabis yet or how much cannabis affects other substances in a mixture.

Therefore it is difficult to assign a specific dose for every process. Only when we know the full extent of cannabis impacts can we allocate an essential and excessive amount. Therefore, for the time being, you will have to rely on observation.

When you use butter in different cuisines, you should not be very generous with the amount. You should opt for a very low level if you are a beginner. It should be smaller than the range you use in case of usual butter. Starting with very low levels can help you thoroughly analyze each aspect and effect.

As you start consuming the product, you will notice the changes in your physical and mental state. These will be the direct indications for you to enhance or lower the weed butter consumption.

If you are not getting the required effects, then do not increase the dose.


You should then experiment with the butter levels the next day. Only slightly increase the content to see the changes. In most cases, you will get the optimal results.

Do not consume the edibles for longer than 5 to 10 minutes, and you should not be stating your appetite with these edibles.

Moreover, you need to keep them as a source of weed consumption rather than your lunch cravings.

Conclusion: Can You Put Weed Straight Into Butter?

With the right guidance, you can create top-notch weed butter. Contrary to previous assumptions, making your own cannabutter is a relatively straightforward process.

It simply requires a bit of patience, the necessary ingredients, and careful adherence to the provided instructions.

By following each step diligently, you’ll be well on your way to producing high-quality cannabutter that suits your preferences and needs.

So, gather your supplies, stay patient, and embrace the rewarding experience of crafting your very own cannabutter.

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