How Motorists Can Prevent Bicycle Accidents On The Road

The Island Now

As motorists, we share a common bond which is to ensure that our actions are with the best intention of keeping everyone on the road, including ourselves, safe and secure for pleasant travels. This is often known as a duty of care, and it is one of the principal things people can do for others.

The unfortunate reality is, is that many motorists do not abide by this duty of care, especially when driving around cyclists. Being a cyclist on a road can be dangerous because sharing space with a 2-ton car is intimidating, to say the least. Here is how all motorists should learn to be able to prevent accidents with cyclists and share the road.

1. Use Turn Signals

Your turn signals aren’t there as a suggestion, you need to use them to indicate what your movements are going to be. Not only is it a necessity it is also the law and you can cause a serious accident if a cyclist has no idea where you are turning. The specialized lawyers who deal with cycling accidents report how common it is when motorists fail to signal, which leads to serious accidents. Always use your turn signals to keep other motorists and cyclists safe.

2. Check Your Mirrors Often

Mirrors are also not just there as a suggestion either. Too many people like to commit last-minute lane changes or merge without looking into their rear-view and side-view mirrors. When you do this, it means missing out on seeing what is around you. Cyclists usually hang out at the back of your car near the rear taillight because it helps you see them in the mirror. You need to check your blindspots as well so you can be sure there isn’t someone there that you could cut off or hurt.

3. Stay In Your Lane

There’s a bike lane for a reason too. They get their own lane because sharing the road would be incredibly dangerous if cyclists were to use the same lane as cars. This lane is not an invitation to swerve around things and use for yourself, it is meant for cyclists so you need to respect their space too. Keep your car in the lane at all times and don’t do any erratic movements that could infringe on their right to mobility as well.

4. Drive at a Reasonable Speed

By reasonable speed, we mean follow the speed limit. The limit is set up for a specific reason and that is to ensure the maximum speed you can travel in a given area or on a specific road or street. Being a cautious driver and obeying the speed limit allows you better reaction time to any possible problems on the road, which could mean longer breaking times which gives cyclists plenty of time to stop or move out of the way too. It also won’t result in last-minute scares if a cyclist gets in your way.

5. Be Aware of Cyclists Obstacles

Cars don’t have the same problems as cyclists do. Pedestrians generally don’t just wander through the streets and cause traffic jams. Pedestrians do, however, find themselves weaving in and out of bike lanes and other areas that are reserved for cyclists. Putting up with these problems of mindless people walking around glued to their one is one thing to handle, so don’t make it even more complicated by being an obstacle for them too. Sympathize with their concerns about safety on or near roads so you can understand their frustration.

6. Remain Patient

With that in mind, the last tip is a general rule you should follow for yourself while driving. Angry drivers are prone to irrational actions and can lash out in dangerous ways, so you need to be a calm driver and practice patience. This will go a long way in making all of your journeys by car a lot more enjoyable and keep people safe. How do you stay patient while driving? This is admittedly hard because other drivers or pedestrians can be infuriating at times, but try to listen to soothing music, think about calming thoughts, and pay more attention to your driving skills as opposed to other people.

Being a competent motorist is about more than just understanding how to drive with skill, it is about knowing how to drive safely as well too. Being a safe driver is especially important for those on the road that are most vulnerable, cyclists, and these tips will help you drive with better caution in mind.

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