Hillside Grade School fourth-graders run for class president

The Island Now

While learning about the 2020 presidential election, Hillside Grade School fourth-graders in Shannon Gnatowski’s class held an election of their own.

Students in the class who ran for class president were required to create a campaign presentation and slogan. Then, the entire class filled out a mock voter registration form and cast their ballots.

Isabella Madden and Samantha Abraham were each chosen as class president after the election ended in a tie. After being given a choice to have a revote or select both candidates as co-presidents, the class decided to have Madden and Abraham serve as class co-presidents.

“Samantha and Isabella both take on the responsibility to advocate for fellow classmates and will work together to solve problems that may arise during the year,” Mrs. Gnatowski said.

1. Hillside Grade School fourth graders Isabella Madden, left, and Samantha Abraham were chosen as co-presidents of their class.
2. Hillside Grade School fourth graders were able to cast their ballots in their mock in-class election.


Photos courtesy of the New Hyde Park-Garden City Park Union Free School District


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