The John L. Miller-Great Neck North High School presents two prestigious awards at its graduation ceremony—the Alan L. Gleitsman Outstanding Graduate Award and the Genelle Taney Memorial Award. The school’s other awards are given at the school’s Senior Awards Event prior to commencement.
Gleitsman Award
The late Alan Gleitsman, a 1947 graduate of then Great Neck High School, established the Alan L. Gleitsman Outstanding Graduate Award in 1988 to be given annually to a North High School graduating senior. Gleitsman winners must place within the top 10 percent of their graduating class, uphold a high level of quality involvement in student activities, be dedicated to the school and the well-being of fellow students, and have a commitment to pursue further education on the college level. Yoel Hawa is the winner of the 2019 Gleitsman Award. Yoel was featured previously as the North High Valedictorian.
Taney Memorial Award
Genelle B. Taney was a 2003 North High graduate who died at age 19, after a long and courageous battle with cancer. Genelle was the 2003 Gleitsman Award recipient and is remembered for her “unsurpassed love of knowledge, a dedication to the arts, a passion for athletics, and an endless commitment to the betterment of her school and her fellow classmates.” The Taney Award recipient should possess a combination of these qualities. The Award is based solely on merit. One quarter of the Award must be contributed by the recipient to a charity of his/her choice, subject to the approval of the Award trustees. The Award was established in Genelle’s memory in 2006. Lucien Wostenholme is the winner of the 2019 Taney Award.
Lucien Wostenholme is an AP Scholar with Honor and a National Merit Scholarship Semi-Finalist. He served as co-president of Model Congress; an opinion columnist for the school newspaper, Guide Post; and a percussionist with the North High Symphony Band and Orchestra. Lucien will attend Cornell University.
Submitted by Great Neck Public Schools