Reader’s Write: Gun control would leave citizens unprotected

The Island Now

Your position statement under ‘Our Views’ in the April 12th issue begins with an excellent premise that something has to be done to get guns out of the hands of the criminals and the mentally ill.  This is an absolute truth!  

However, the process that our politicians are trying to foist upon us and the terms and conditions of the laws that they propose truly step on the Second Amendment rights of all law-abiding citizens.

State Assemblywoman Michelle Schimel stands head-and-shoulders above the rest of the politicians in her understanding of the manufacturing process.  Her questioning of the decision by Gov. Cuomo to ask for banning of 10-round magazines was a good one – there is no such thing as a seven-round magazine, and banning 10-round magazines literally halts production and sale of magazines.  

The governor recently backed off on that edict, and we are now admonished that we may load up to seven rounds in a 10-round magazine – inconvenient, but a simple fix.  Honest, law-abiding gun owners will comply, perhaps grudgingly, but they will comply.

Perhaps it is best explained in these terms. I began target shooting when I was eleven- that was 58 years ago.  I have always enjoyed a trip to the range, and became especially proficient with a wide variety of firearms when I served in the U.S. Army.  I was fortunate not to have served in combat, but received the same training as all military personnel, and was inculcated with the same understanding of what is required in a life-threatening situation.  

As a member of several veterans’ organizations, I associate on a regular basis with countless veterans who have served in combat in every war back to WWII. Many of them are also ex-law enforcement personnel. In every case, I would stand with them, and willingly place my well-being in their hands and within the influence of their good judgment.

My interest and involvement in shooting continues today, and after all of these years, I have never thought of myself as less than a responsible shooting enthusiast, and I have respect for all of those who feel the same as I.  Some of my friends like to hunt, too, but I choose to limit myself to target shooting.  Those who hunt don’t kill for the sake of killing, but utilize the meat from their prey as food, much as our ancestors did.  This is the honorable method.

Your statement that the expression, ‘guns don’t kill people, people do’ is absolutely correct.  I fully agree that the criminally insane or the just plain ‘criminal’ should not have access to a gun, but depriving an entire nation of firearms owners of their interest or pastime is not the way to approach the situation.  

The continued misstatements, even outright lies, from politicians and the press continue to try to convert fiction into fact.  We, as law-abiding gun owners, are just as outraged as you are by the meaningless acts of violence from Columbine through Sandy Hook.  However, look how many have reported the use of assault weapons in Sandy Hook- an absolute lie!  Sure, he had two ‘assault’ rifles, but went into the school armed only with handguns- not assault rifles!  Are handguns now considered assault weapons?  I think not.  However, the result was just as tragic, and we have all grieved for the community and the families, but the knee-jerk reaction by lawmakers is uncalled for.

As for your statements regarding the Tea Party, this is also a misrepresentation of those persons, representing many political groups, who choose to join hands and forces to shed light on the topics that are felt to be of negative influence in government, politics and other economic venues.  I belong to several of these groups, and have heard only a legitimate call to action from fellow members.  Your generalization flies in the face of logic, and I would guess that you have never personally attended one of the many meetings held regularly in our local area.  You should avail yourself of the opportunity to become more familiar with the groups and who and what they represent.  I also have not found any ‘paranoid gun nuts,’ only folks like me with a common interest in lawful treatment.  

It’s time to figure out how to enforce the plethora of gun laws already on the books, and concentrate on the issue of how to keep guns out of the hands of the criminals.  If legitimate citizens are disarmed, truly only the criminals will have guns, and they’ll still have their 30-round magazines!


Eric Spinner

New Hyde Park

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