Great Neck Vigilants support one of their own in breast cancer walk

The Island Now
Several members of the Vigilant Fire Company went to Jones Beach to show support for Kira Warren, who recently defeated breast cancer. (Photo courtesy of Josh Charry)
Several members of the Vigilant Fire Company went to Jones Beach to show support for Kira Warren, who recently defeated breast cancer. (Photo courtesy of Josh Charry)

The Vigilant Fire Company, along with hundreds of others, participated in the 25th annual Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk at Jones Beach State Park.

But while many have known of the event for some time, it was personal this year for the Vigilants.

This year they walked to support one of their own – 34 year member Kira Warren, who had been diagnosed with breast cancer two years ago and was recently declared cancer free.

To show support for Warren in her fight, nearly 50 members and their guests joined Kira for the walk this year and raised more than $5,700 for cancer research along the way. The group walked with the slogan of #KKCA which stands for Kira Kicked Cancer’s A**.

“Today I was so honored & proud to be a Vigilant,” Warren said. “In my wildest dreams I never imagined having 50 people walk with me, supporting me. You all have been there the last two years while I fought cancer and I’m glad you were there with me today.”

Vigilant Fire Company walked in support of Kira Warren, a 34-year Vigilant member who is now breast cancer free. (Photo courtesy of Josh Charry)
Vigilant Fire Company walked in support of Kira Warren, a 34-year Vigilant member who is now breast cancer free. (Photo courtesy of Josh Charry)

“You have all given me an amazing gift and should feel proud of yourselves,” Warren added.

Vigilant Fire Company Chief Joshua Charry said that from the day he first joined the company, he had heard members talking about the firehouse being a family, with everyone looking out for and always supporting each other.

“The firehouse becomes your second home and the members your second family,” Charry said. “Today proved this to be true. To have almost 50 people come out to support Kira is absolutely amazing.”

“Kira has been a huge part of the fire company during her 34 years of membership, always ready to step up and help with anything or to help anyone,” Charry said. “Today’s turnout shows how much she means to all of us and how much we all care about her.”

The efforts were coordinated by Recording Secretary Kim Molina and First Assistant Fire Chief Justin Sachmechi.


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