GCP FD honors its dead with monument

The Island Now

The Garden City Park Fire Department dedicated a monument to its deceased members last Sunday morning, including the two members of the department who died in the line of duty.

Capt. Richard Provost was 37 years old when he was killed while responding to a call about a fire in a vehicle that was improperly transporting propane cylinders.

The fire department’s other death in the line of duty occurred one year ago when veteran Thomas Regan, 82, fell on ice while responding to a carbon monoxide call. He died from complications related to the injuries  and was posthumously installed as a chief of the department at the time.

At the ceremonies on Sunday, Garden City Fire Department Chief William Rudnick told fellow firefighters and Provost family members that he only knew the man by reputation.

“I have been told by many senior members of our department that he was a gentleman, a family man, a leader and a dedicated firefighter,” Rudnick said.

Regan, he said, had been a personal friend.

“He was always willing to help and teach a brother firefighter,” Rudnick recalled. “Tom was always at the firehouse whether it be responding to a call.”

Rudnick said Regan was a fixture at the firehouse spending time in the recreation room with his wife, Elsie or working out in the firehouse gym.

Rudnick also paid tribute to the 47 members of the department honored in the firehouse monument on Jericho Turnpike who died while in active service.

A brick wall with engraved bronze plaques bearing images of two the men who died while in service to the department are a part of the monument. Another plaque bearing the names of the other 45 firemen who died when they were still in active duty with the department is also part of the monument. The fireman’s prayer appears on another plaque. 

“All of these firefighters dedicated tremendous amounts of time in the performance of their duties,” Rudnick said. “These firefighters had wives, children and parents. They all had a second family, the brother and sister firefighters of the Garden City Park Fire Department.”

Garden City Park Fire Department chaplain Robert Schroeder delivered a prayer in memory of the department’s departed volunteers.

Floral wreaths were laid on the monument at the May 27 dedication by members of the Provost and Regan families. 

Family members included Provost’s widow Norma, his daughter Pamela, son, Richard Jr. and his brother John. Members of Chief Regan’s family acknowledged his widow, Elsie, sons, Tom and Tim, and daughter Christina. 

Officials from the Town of North Hempstead, including Town Clerk Leslie Gross and town councilpersons Lee Seeman and Angelo Ferrara presented a proclamation to the families, recognizing their loved ones’ sacrifices for their community.

Members of the New Hyde Park, Mineola, and Garden City fire departments were in attendance along with Nassau County Legislator Richards Nicolello.

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