Flower Hill again OKs building code fines

Bill San Antonio

A local law setting various building code violation fees in the Village of Flower Hill was voted on for the second time by the village board Monday because an initial vote in July did not include a required resolution in alignment with the State Environmental Quality Review Act, officials said.

The law was unanimously approved by the board along with a negative SEQRA declaration, suggesting the law would not have an adverse environmental impact.

Fines specified in the legislation include a $200 charge per square foot of floor area constructed beyond the maximum allowable limit and $255 per square foot beyond 100 square feet above the limit, as well as $1,500 per three inches beyond a setback limit, $10,000 per square foot beyond the sky plane limit and $5,000 per inch for structures built beyond height limits.

Of the fines, Flower Hill Mayor Elaine Phillips said, “In the ideal setting, it never comes into play,” though she acknowledged a need for the village to identify specified violations due to a high frequency of residential construction within the village.

During a public hearing on the law in June, trustees said the range of fees was not harsh enough as violations become more egregious, and opted to consider further changes to the legislation.

The board first voted on the bill in July. 

On Monday, the board also approved a second piece of legislation setting the parameters for portable toilets to be placed on construction sites and their inclusion on building plan applications submitted to the village. 

Reach reporter Bill San Antonio by e-mail at bsanantonio@theislandnow.com, by phone at 516.307.1045 x215 and on Twitter @ Bill_SanAntonio. Also follow us on Twitter @theislandnow and Facebook at facebook.com/theislandnow.

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