Floral Park trustees voted Wednesday to extend an amnesty program that forgives penalties accumulated on late parking tickets in the village through Sept. 15.
“It was just a way of us trying to help people,” Mayor Dominick Longobardi said. “Some people were saying ‘I can’t pay it, I’m out of a job’ so it was an easy way for us to help as many people as we could.”
The amnesty program has been in effect since July 1 and relates to all parking tickets issued prior to March 16. Longobardi said residents still have to pay the base fee for parking infractions, but the late fees that are accrued each month the ticket is not paid are what’s being waived.
Longobardi said the amnesty was a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and the mass unemployment and economic upheaval that has come with it.
He went on to say that a large number of people have not paid these tickets and that citizens have expressed gratitude for the amnesty in the time of COVID.