Filing For Star Tax exemptions is easy

The Island Now
Nassau County Legislator Delia DeRiggi-Whitton (standing) addresses a full house at a recent STAR workshop. (Photo courtesy of Nassau County Legislator Delia DeRiggi-Whitton's office)

Nassau County’s School Tax Relief, or STAR, program offers property tax discounts to qualifying homeowners. Nassau County Legislator Delia DeRiggi-Whitton (D-Glen Cove) is sponsoring a STAR Tax Workshop on Friday, Oct. 11 from 1– 2 p.m. at the Bryant Library, 2 Papermill Road in Roslyn.

“Filing is much easier than many homeowners think,” DeRiggi-Whitton said. “While the workshops make the process easier, online forms are also simple to fill out and submit.”

Even homeowners who have previously applied for STAR discounts should consider filing, especially if their situations have changed. Discounts may be available to homeowners who fall into one or more of the following categories: death of a spouse, change in income, veterans, volunteer firefighter, ambulance worker, limited income disability or home improvement exemptions.

Homeowners over age 65 who were already enrolled in the STAR Program prior to January 2, 2015 can also file Enhanced STAR applications. The deadline to apply for the 2020 – 2021 tax year is Dec. 31. Note that first-time new homeowners wishing to apply for a STAR exemption need to register with New York State instead of Nassau County.

The Nassau County Assessor’s office can also answer questions and otherwise help homeowners determine what exemptions they may be entitled to. Call 516-571-1500 or visit to download forms.

Submitted by Nassau County Legislator Delia DeRiggi-Whitton’s Office. 

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