Enough of Jean Celender

The Island Now

While Jean Celender’s Welwyn/Shoreward enhancement project will give the neighborhood dangerous brick sidewalks, an unwanted and problematic park and bicycle lanes that will compromise drivers — paired with an out-and-out refusal by the village to properly adjudicate Shop Delight’s mega-violations of their conditional use permit — in her infinite wisdom, our beloved full-time mayor forgot to add a bridle path for those who ride horses, donkeys and camels.

Think of all the income the village could generate from the sale of dung to local organic gardeners!  

I know this sounds ridiculous, but the bulk of the enhancement project is ridiculous; it is the machination of a dictator. 

We have all had enough of Jean Celender.

If there were term limits in the Plaza, we would not have to be subject to year-after-year of her narcissistic megalomania. (Did she learn from “the Donald” or did he learn from her?)  

It’s time for the “Jean Machine Regime” to go.

 Leo Pfeffer

Village of Neck Plaza

(We want our “Great” back!)


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