Elmont Senior science student published

The Island Now

Elmont Memorial High School senior researcher Michael Lawes was recently published in the September 2018 issue of NeuroToxicology, a peer-reviewed scientific journal. Lawes was a contributing author to the article, “System-specific neurodegeneration following glucotoxicity in the C. elegans model.”

In this investigation, Aschner, Lawes and Pinkas investigated advanced glycation end products and found that they affected different neurotransmitter systems differently. Under high-glucose conditions, specific systems demonstrated increased neuro degeneration. This work has implications for diabetes, Parkinson’s, and Alzheimer’s disease.

To read the article, click here: https://ac.els-cdn.com/S0161813X18301001/1-s2.0-S0161813X18301001-main.pdf?_tid=f074d893-6b91-4cfa-a99f-1ebf9d57e334&acdnat=1537907774_cba443771e74b5ffd46589dc818eaae7

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